1 folder

Management Accounts Documents

1 file

Nominal File: Application for permission to photograph/film etc - parts 1781 to 1790, 1974

1 folder

Capital Expenditure Documents

8 sheets

News Paper Cuttings

1 file

Nominal File: Application for permission to photograph/film etc - parts 1931 to 1940, 1975

1 item

Paper entitled 'The Complete Design of Complex Techno-Economic Systems'

1 item

3 photos of an ICL 2980 installation.

1 item

Paper entitled 'Outline for an M.Sc. Course in Operations, Systems and Policy Research'

20 items

IIASA Papers relating to Dynamics and Modelling of Technological Change


E-mail from Dr Rebecca Bowden to Professor Michael Wilson relating to an article "‘Effects of diets containing genetically modified potatoes expressing galanthus nivalis lectin on rat small intestine" published in ‘The Lancet’

1 folder

Evode 25 - Assigment of British Patent 'Hot Material Applicator'

1 file

Nominal File: Loan of Museum Objects - 2231 to 2232, 1975


"SOAEFD flexible fund project RO 818"

1 volume

Order Book 3801 - 3900

1 item

IIASA Staff Phots

1 file

Nominal File: Loan of Museum Objects - Isle of Wight County Council, 1975

49 sheets

Channel Crossing (Copies)


[Dockhead Mounting, Mount]

1 file

Meeting documents from 19th Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes meeting

1 file

Nominal File: Miscellaneous Enquiries - Wheeler, M.G.C.W, Museum Education Services c/o Bowes Museum - Model Engine, 1977


Running order and notes for The Sky at Night episode 'Halley's Comet - The Encounter'

1 file

Nominal File: Loan of Museum Objects - Manchester International Airport, 1976

1 file

Nominal File: Miscellaneous Enquiries - numbers 18222 to 18230, 1974

1 item

Paper entitled 'Modelling of Electro-starting Processes of Diesel Engines'

1 folder

Evode 65 - Correspondence relating to various patents

5 reel-to-reel magnetic audio tapes

Sound recording of Germany Deutsche Bahn

1 folder

Evode 52 - Anglers Weight; Flotabait patent papers

1 file

Nominal File: Miscellaneous Enquiries - Saunders, M. - Magic Lantern, 1975

23 pp.

Three ways of building a highway to Europe.

1 file

Nominal File: Miscellaneous Enquiries - 18120 to 18128, 1973

20 folders

Folder of photos of the Hayes Store

5 items

Papers relating to the Process Model of Technological Efficiency (Engine Model of National Economy)

1 file

Nominal File: Loan of Museum Objects - Microwaves - Ancient and Modern, 1973

1 item

Brochure entitled 'ECS-1'

26 pp.

Commission of the European Communities.

1 item

Fellowship in Systems Management notes for Module 3: Decisions, uncertainty and risk

1 folder

Sales Documents

1 photograph

Photo of Hayes Store - Bay 5 from the North showing Wellcome Racks


Fax message from Jean Garon, Axis Genetics Ltd, to Professor Michael Wilson relating to the Axis Genetics–Granada TV Enquiry

2 pp.

Channel Tunnel Pamphlet.

1 folder

Evode 61 - Correspondence relating to various patents

1 file

Nominal File: Loan of Museum Objects - GKN Sankey Ltd, 1976

9 folders

Laporte Australia Group statutory accounts

13 pp.

TOPIC, Imperial College.


E-mail from Dr Nick Birch to various peoples relating to GNA studies

2 items

The British Crop Production Council "Biotechnology in crop protection - a BCPC view"

1 item

"Genetically engineered oilseed rape: agricultural saviour or new form of pollution?" Genewatch UK

1 file

Nominal File: Miscellaneous Enquiries - 18024 to18025, 1973

4 items

Material produced during 1983

1 file

Nominal File: Miscellaneous Enquiries - Department of Environment, Property Services Agency - Furnace Fule Oil Pumps, 1975