210 E-mail from Dr Rebecca Bowden to Professor Michael Wilson relating to an article "‘Effects of diets containing genetically modified potatoes expressing galanthus nivalis lectin on rat small intestine" published in ‘The Lancet’
1 file Nominal File: Miscellaneous Enquiries - Wheeler, M.G.C.W, Museum Education Services c/o Bowes Museum - Model Engine, 1977
5 items Papers relating to the Process Model of Technological Efficiency (Engine Model of National Economy)
210 Fax message from Jean Garon, Axis Genetics Ltd, to Professor Michael Wilson relating to the Axis Genetics–Granada TV Enquiry
1 item "Genetically engineered oilseed rape: agricultural saviour or new form of pollution?" Genewatch UK
1 file Nominal File: Miscellaneous Enquiries - Department of Environment, Property Services Agency - Furnace Fule Oil Pumps, 1975